Saturday, September 14, 2013

He Should've Stayed in Medicine

Just yesterday, I was checking the news and noticed that a gentleman named Ayman al-Zawahiri had called upon some people he referred to as "Islamic holy warriors", to defeat the United States with attacks on its' own soil. Somehow, over the years, this guy found a way to attach himself to a mean spirited, self-destructive movement which seems intent on destroying itself through futile attempts to affect international policies through fear and intimidation. At some point in the near future this person will learn what every other gangster, bully, and badass has learned. Attempting to control the actions of others through violence, or the threat of violence, by lying to otherwise honest and devout followers of Islam, will only result in his personal destruction, and a loss of credibility for Islam in the eyes of the world. Wars conducted on the basis of a religions' teachings strike me as completely ignorant of the fact that Islam, for those who have taken just a little time to perform research, is not a faith that was established for the purpose of conquering others. More realistically, it was probably established as a means to teach us to live in harmony with one another, to grow in a way that benefits all of humanity, forever. But as is always the case, individuals with an agenda of greed, hatred, and personal power over others rise to positions of "authority", and twist teachings of love and tolerance into pronouncements of extreme intolerance and self-destructive, unnecessary, warfare. They lie to the truly devout who try to worship Allah correctly and fully, in order to promote their own twisted agenda.
     In relating this current event to my own personal philosophy, which has no basis in any single religious belief system, a couple of things seem readily apparent to me. One is that Mr. al-Zawahiri is desperately trying to get peoples attention, like a child who feels neglected and acts in an outrageous manner in order to "make something happen". If this man succeeds in motivating a believer of Islam to commit an act of criminal hatred, then the person who commits such an act is nothing but an utter failure as both a human being, and as a student/practitioner of Islam. In order to succeed in life, we must evaluate our circumstances individually, come to our own conclusions and not follow the directions of other persons who are just as imperfect as we are. Warfare has had its' place in human history, and if at all possible that place will rest in the past, for if we are to advance beyond a primitive struggle to simply exist, we must put international wars behind us, forever.
     For the hatemonger al-Zawahiri may one day step out into the beautiful light of the sun, and see something coming towards him that no one should ever witness. Things which we fervently wish upon others that are borne of malice, evil, and hatred are always ultimately manifest upon ourselves. Look to the sky, sir, for what you will witness is not glory, fame, or success in killing innocent persons. It's called a hellfire missile. And in that last moment, it will suddenly dawn upon you, that you should've stayed in medicine.     

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