One subject that caught my attention was a reported document that was prepared by the United Nations which, if instituted, would allow foreign governments to send their soldiers here to my beloved, (and sometimes backwards) United States of America, in order to subdue the population in times of domestic social upheaval. Supposedly, my country is preparing to put down social unrest by purchasing a huge number of AK assault rifles, millions of rounds of ammunition for them, armored military vehicles, and is preparing concentration camps and coffins for anyone who doesn't like whatever decisions the Government makes regarding the potential curtailment of Constitutional Rights, and the disarming of American Citizens. The document in question was said to have been prepared by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs. In my search for relatively factual information on this subject, I spent a couple of days searching for information, and quite frankly began to get quite upset with my findings, until I found a statement on the United Nations website which addressed the subject by stating that, "The sited document is not legitimate" (U.N.O.D.A. August 5, 2013). Initially, as I began my research, everything I found seemed to confirm the idea that the people who make the decisions in Washington, D.C. thought it would be a good idea to use soldiers from other countries to come to the U.S. and subdue a people who have lived and breathed individual and collective liberty every second, every moment, and every day of our lives, since the nice Doctor or midwife smacked us on the posterior after we emerged from our Mothers' glorious wombs. If, for the sake of argument, United Nations soldiers took up arms here, several things are certain.
- Every elected Official who allowed such a thing to occur would either be immediately removed from office, arrested, or slain outright for treason against the American People.
- The most intelligent foreign soldiers would drop their weapons, abandon their vehicles, tear off their uniforms, and join the population in celebrating the pure unbridled joy that is American Freedom from tyranny and oppression.
- Every Native American, Mexican American, African American, Polish American, Italian American, White American, Protestant American, Catholic American, Jewish American. Every Croatian, Egyptian, Jordanian, Sudanese, Latvian, British, Irish, Serb, Croat, Russian, Ethiopian, Canadian, Israeli, WHATEVER- AMERICAN, will awaken, collectively, and swallow any foreign army within our borders, like a great hungry whale taking in billions of tiny tasty krill, and will digest them without so much as a belch.
- No man or woman who wears the uniform, or who has worn the uniform of the United States Military, would allow foreign soldiers with weapons to use those weapons against us on our own soil.
- The United Nations would not have come into existence, and cannot continue to exist, without the cooperation of the American People.