Sunday, November 9, 2014


     I looked up the definition of a "miracle", and found the following:

 "A surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws, and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency".

     Due to the fact that I have not been energetically soliciting campaign contributions from 6th Ward voters, I recently found myself lacking the funds for nominating petitions. Once I articulated that via Facebook, I immediately received what I needed, and I'm now ready to energetically get (at least),  the minimum 473 signatures necessary to officially join the ballot for 6th Ward Alderman. I would at this time encourage any reader of this blog to post a comment, as to where I can meet with them, their neighbors, or their fellow church members, in order to further answer any questions regarding my aspirations for the 6th Ward during my Aldermanic tenure. I can also be reached at via email. My immediate goal is to attain a place on the ballot, so that I can at least participate with the other candidates in one or more debates, to further cement the knowledge within the 6th Ward that I am the type of person who delivers results, and not just a well meaning "wish list" items that don't have much chance of being brought to fruition.
     To reiterate the core priorities of my upcoming tenure as Alderman of the 6th Ward, they are:
1.) Public Safety. Public safety begins and ends with the economic well being, the educational level, and the sense of community that is shared by the residents of any Ward. When ward residents come to realize that We are ALL in this life together, in this City together, and in this 6th Ward as one solid community of 38,160 persons, then the realization of that which binds us one to another in Love, Understanding, and Peace will slowly but surely unravel the threads of mistrust that keep us separated from one another. Police Department personnel only respond to tragedy after the fact, and no amount of additional Officers and Detectives will lower the crime rate in the 6th Ward. We can only deter crime in the 6th Ward by making it a realistic goal for Ward residents to be able to take advantage of legitimate means for achieving economic prosperity and a positive sense of self worth, than by illegal means. Please believe me when I tell you this: Very, very few of the young people who are committing violent crimes actually Want to shoot someone. They're largely being successfully used and manipulated by others to perpetrate these shootings. Overall, as their elders, we've failed to provide them with adequate alternatives to this self-destructive way of life. They're only killing each other because they feel that they have nothing positive to live for. We Can Change That!
2.)  Education. Whether we utilize Public Schools, Charter Schools, Faith Based Schools, Trade Schools, or any other type of school, the bottom line is whether or not the educational tools we provide for our young people will make them advantageously competitive with their peers. Schools which meet this goal are the only type that we can afford to tolerate in the 6th Ward. Schools which simply move students from one grade to the next and graduate them into becoming unemployable adults are useless and a complete waste of resources. Holding educators, (and parents) responsible for the results of our educational system is necessary, in order to improve our current system.
3.) Supporting Local Businesses. In order to fully realize the benefits that come from supporting local businesses, we must first and foremost own and operate the majority of businesses in the 6th Ward. Secondly, the owners and managers of these businesses must see 6th Ward residents as their life's blood, and therefore treat every customer with the utmost respect, compassion and understanding. I would create an opportunity, as Alderman, to meet with the Executives of our largest banks, and negotiate an understanding, whereby one or more of these banks will not only commit to funding our economic initiatives, but also make a commitment to the futures of our Children and Grandchildren. We would not need to, or want to bank with national bank branches, if we were confident that our local banks will value and respect us more highly than the larger banks do. It is imperative that we engineer methods and means by which we can "circulate" our Dollars multiple times, before they leave the 6th Ward.
    Miracles can and do occur each and every day. Love for one's self and for one another, and mutual respect enable them. Self-Doubt and mistrust tend to hinder them. I'm more than ready. Are You?


Friday, October 24, 2014

Why I'm Running for 6th Ward Alderman

     In 1989, I was 31 years old, single, and had worked for Sears Roebuck and Co. corporate security for 8 years. I'd earned enough to be able to afford ownership of my own apartment building, and I felt that I was beginning to make some progress in life. By fall of that year, everything started to become chaotic and unraveled. The tenant in my building had decided to move, which presented me with a financial burden that I was unprepared for. Sears announced that they were beginning to consolidate departments in a way that ultimately left 50,000 of us unemployed at the end of 1992. My soon to be wife and I lost twin sons due to their being born prematurely, and less than 4 weeks later, my Mother was murdered.
     As I attempted to make some sense of those tragedies, and find a way to cope with the seemingly not-so random nature of gross misfortunes that tend to be concentrated in Chicago's African American communities, I decided that the only sure way to become a force for positive change in the city of my birth, was to seek elective office. At the Aldermanic level, I could represent a core community of people that I'd see on a daily basis. I'd know how it feels for them to step outside of their homes and wonder if they'd hear squealing tires followed by gunshots and sirens, instead of playing children. I'd know who was engaged in self-destructive activities, and I would therefore have a handle on how to reach the youngest generation of at-risk neighbors, and find ways to keep them focused on self empowering pathways to relative peace and prosperity, instead of that same old treadmill that's kept multiple generations of our people mistrustful of one another, and bound to repetitive cycles of unemployment and underemployment, self destructive violence, ongoing economic decline, and institutionalized mis-education. I'd know which Police Department employees had our backs, and which ones were simply exercising their own brand of self-hatred, by alienating the very people they'd sworn to protect.
     For the last two months, I've been studying. I've studied lectures by Dr. Francis Cress Welsing, Dr. Amos Wilson, Dr. Claud Anderson, Alton Maddox Jr., Steve Cokely, Malcolm X, and others. It struck me as very interesting that many of these enlightened Brothers and Sisters had come to pretty much the same conclusion. Historically, we've successfully been conquered as a People because it's been possible for others to divide us, and keep us in a frame of mind whereby we refuse to trust in one another. At the same time, popular media throws utter nonsense in front of us on a constant 24 hour basis, in the guise of "entertainment". Over the years, I almost never watched professional sports, because, as I put it to someone many years ago: "If all of the professional sports teams suddenly ceased to exist, what would be different"? Nothing at all would change, because the only reason for these teams to exist is to place many, many, millions of dollars in the accounts of the few, while the masses are entertained with "games", while children go neglected, and men and women chase after unrealistic icons of physical perfection, and who turn on one another in a heartbeat, rather than stand by one another regardless of the obstacles in their path.
     I found online references to something called "The Willy Lynch Letter, and the Making of a Slave". It was presented to whites as a way to ensure the subjugation of the many African Americans, by a small minority of whites in America. This letter put forth valuable tools which were used to have Blacks assist in keeping themselves powerless. Some of these tools were Fear of one another, Distrust of one another, Envy of one another, self-discrimination based upon the shade of our skin, and of our perceived status in society. Part of this letter taught whites to "Keep ones eye on the female, who will break the free will of the offspring. Strip the strongest male of his clothes, draw him in half, in front of others. Beat the remaining males in front of the females. Test females for submissive behavior. Oddly enough, I've seen some bizarre examples of this strategy at work. A friend once told me he never raised his hand in class, as a way to have some sort of power over the Teacher. By holding back the fact that he "knew the answer", he could gain the upper hand in some fashion. All it actually did was to make the teacher feel that she was wasting her time on people deemed incapable of critical thinking.
     Back to the present: Gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner attempted to court the Black vote by pledging $1,000,000 to the Southside Community Credit Union. That would increase their assets by 25% overnight. From the comments made by community members attending his announcement, the overall attitude was "wait and see". He'd talked the talk, but the question was whether or not he'd follow through with the check. From his own statements, and past actions, it appears that this candidate would say whatever is necessary to place himself in the Governors Mansion, and do whatever he felt like doing once he gets there. Just a bunch of smoke and mirrors without substance. Might as well let Mr. Quinn hold down the mansion until someone of real intelligence and moral fiber seeks the office.
     I'm running for 6th Ward Alderman because I want revenge against the system of divide and conquer that has plagued Southside Black residents all of my life. I'm running because I want to see a Southside Co-Op supermarket in the 6th Ward. I'm running because I love my people, and I love a good fight for a just cause!  

Friday, August 22, 2014

It Can Be Done

     Since my last blog post, I've continued to study possible ways and means by which I can lead the way in formulating and carrying out a comprehensive plan to improve the quality of life for residents of Our Ward. At the same time, I've met some young Men and Women who had marginally compensated employment, and asked them what careers they would choose if "anything was possible".

     In a capitalist society, as the name implies, capital rules the day. Those who have the financial means have tended to set policy, shape legislation, structure their educational system to their benefit, direct the investment and expenditure of public funds, and overall, live prosperous and fulfilling lives, over multiple generations. An ironic paradox to this societal model, is that even though the 6th Ward has one of the previously mentioned assets, financial means, it lacks the sense of being an effectively cohesive community, and as a result, has tended to be buffeted about like a ship in a storm whose steering apparatus has ceased to function. Although I'm aware that the majority of 6th Ward residents have achieved a high degree of educational and career achievements, there are still thousands of our neighbors who are either struggling on a daily basis, or who have not been able to pass along the sense of purpose and work ethic that made this community a place that one can be proud to live in. We in the 6th Ward do command a respectable degree of financial wherewithal, but I feel that we have not been as successful in sustaining our successes, by close coordination of our efforts as a way to truly maximize and multiply our accomplishments over multiple generations. I conducted a review of African American owned banks, and found that there were 54 in 1994, but in 2014 only 21 still exist in the entire United States of America. A strategy must be formulated, supported, and carried through that fully supports these critical institutions, while still holding them accountable for the long term  maintenance of prosperity for 6th Ward residents, which will make it possible for these banks to stay in business, and continue to expand and diversify their investments in our community.
     As consumers, we rightfully expect to get the best possible value in the products and services that we pay for. To that end, it would be wonderful to see local retailers successfully compete with similar businesses outside of the 6th Ward, but to do so would take imagination, innovation, daring, and a commitment to solicit and respond to feedback from local consumers. Retailers who are not 6th Ward residents, and have no intention of supporting positive initiatives in the Ward, really need to take their business elsewhere. Local institutions will need to somewhat subdue their inherent need to be proudly independent, in order to make it possible for us to multiply our assets, and not be satisfied with islands of relative prosperity surrounded by a sea of apathy and benign neglect.
     When 100 6th Ward Residents live in relative poverty and turn to crime, drug abuse, and violence out of sheer frustration, it causes 1000 residents to watch their backs at all times, not let their children play outside, stop casually enjoying each others company outdoors, and just hunker down and bemoan the fact that "things aren't the way they used to be". No, things are not the way they used to be, but with a spirit of community and a commitment to one another, things can turn around, and be better than they ever were.
     When I've asked young adults of various ethnicities what they'd choose for a career if anything they desired was possible, some chose working with youth, others wanted to become photographers, physical therapists, entertainers, police officers, and entrepreneurs, but the saddest and most soul destroying thing a young woman did when I asked her that question, was to look up at me with the most blank, "I don't have a clue" look that I've ever seen. She literally had no dreams for herself whatsoever. She aspired to nothing, and as long as that attitude is held firm, that's exactly what she will get out of life. We have to collectively and individually touch base in some sort of way with each and every child that is born into the 6th Ward, and make sure that they understand that the only way to have some sort of meaningful life, is to find something that is self rewarding, and share that gift with everyone around them. If so many of us continue to exist largely as someone else's worker, someone else's sports fan, someone else's liquor, clothing, food, and music consumer, far too many of us will wake up one day in the ruins of what used to be an educated and prosperous community, angry and frustrated, knowing only separation from others, and self hatred. We cannot allow this current trend of societal breakdown and chaos to continue.
     When I entered the Army at 19 years old, I was placed in charge of my platoon, partly because I had prepared myself for the military by attaining the rank of Major in high school ROTC, but mostly because I exhibited the type of leadership skills necessary to get the job done well. One night, a guy approached me and said, "I heard that you know karate, is that true"? I told him yes, that I had some experience in martial arts. He proceeded to ask me to shatter one of his kneecaps for him while he was asleep, so that he could get out of the Army. I agreed to do that for him, but had no intention of carrying it out. When he later asked me why I hadn't broken his kneecap, I told him that it wasn't necessary for him to carry out such an extreme act upon himself. I told him that thousands of young guys like us go through this kind of abuse every day, that the rest of us were not better or stronger than him, and that if we could survive the ordeal, so could he. Upon graduation, he was recognized as being the most improved trainee of our cycle, and I was recognized as the highest achieving trainee of the cycle.
     When we believe in ourselves, no accomplishment of true value can be withheld from us, and nothing of true value can be taken from us. As long as we believe.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


     I recently visited Oakwoods cemetery, in an effort to clear my thoughts so that I could refocus my efforts to accurately inform the voters of the 6th Ward as to the type of person I am, and what my core priorities will be as an Alderman in the City of Chicago.
     I visited my Mothers' gravesite, and after awhile, I walked away with an understanding that I didn't have before. I understood that, in order to effectively represent the residents of the 6th Ward, it would be necessary for me to do three things.
     I would have to stay focused on solving the important problems and issues that have negatively effected our lives, and actively pursue solutions to those problems.
     I would have to maintain an open heart, in order to avoid becoming calloused and insensitive to the needs of my constituents.
      And I would have to Never Give Up, in my efforts to effect some worthwhile positive changes in the lives of the residents of the 6th Ward.

     Before I left Oakwoods, I stopped for awhile at the resting place of the man who'd inspired me to step forward and lend my energy and efforts to the service and betterment of others. I walked away with a term in my mind that I had heard him use once, "Perspicacity". The definition I found for this term described it as, "The ability of having a ready insight into things. Shrewdness."
      There have been occasions in my professional life, in which I've been able to understand the fundamental core issue which had precipitated an incident which needed to be resolved efficiently, and equitably. In order to bring about solutions to sometimes complex and seemingly insurmountable barriers to understanding and problem solving, "Perspicacity" is essential.
     Whether my campaign receives many thousands of dollars and scores of volunteers, or I find it necessary to struggle on a daily basis to get onto the ballot and attain at least 7,650 of your votes, I will be your next Alderman. That's my magic number. It's the goal I've set for myself, and it's mine for the taking. Yes, my statements here do appear to be somewhat brash and overconfident, but who among you is willing to be represented by someone who is less than confident in their own abilities?


Forgive Barbarism?

     This blog post will focus on Police brutality and corruption, a manifestation of both evil incarnate and human weakness, which consistently undermines the values that form the foundation of a free and just society. First and foremost, I'll preface this post with my sincerely heartfelt commitment to all of the men and women who took their oaths to serve and protect the public seriously, and who begin each shift determined to make the lives of all citizens less fraught with fear, uncertainty, and a mistrust of authority.
     A recent event in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson Missouri, and current events here in Chicago have once again brought to the forefront one of the most heinous and frustrating symptoms of a dysfunctional society. As reported in the media, a Ferguson Officer, after ordering several young men to get off of the street, (which is in and of itself a violation of their constitutional rights), subsequently caused the death of a young man who had not been engaged in criminal activity of any kind. The civil unrest and wanton property damage that followed this act are closely being followed and reported by the media, but the core issue that caused this unfolding social tragedy will most likely continue to plague us, until fundamental reforms are put into place, and stringently enforced.
     At the heart of police brutality incidents there is an underlying cancer that no one in authority is prepared to excise from their Department. I'll call it the "Us versus them" mentality. Before they became Officers of The Law, these people were just like the rest of us, human beings with the potential to either uplift this society, or contribute to its' collapse. The vast majority of Officers entered this career with an understanding that it takes a special kind of commitment to place oneself in harms way on a daily basis, in order to protect those members of society who are unable or unwilling to protect themselves. The core of this problem arises when Officers and their Leadership buy into the concept that their own personal human failings, which often result in the immoral and illegal beating and killing of others, are to be forgiven, while the failings of citizens are to be so stringently punished, that individual Department members who know that they will not be punished for brutality, assign themselves as Judge, Jury, and Executioner, without facing personal or professional consequences.
     Following the recent killing of this unarmed citizen in Missouri, I conceived a brilliantly simple solution to this problem. Any sworn Officer who is convicted of having taken the life of an unarmed citizen, (who was not in the act of committing a violent crime at the time they were killed), would upon conviction for this crime, serve a mandatory sentence of 30 years in prison. If such legislation were to be passed, police brutality would be a thing of the past. The same holds true for Officers who, by virtue of their authority, have allowed their personal judgment to become so warped that they can no longer discern right from wrong. Just today, the media reported that a Department member with many years of experience made improper physical contact with a co-workers pre-teen daughter. What has this world come to, when persons who are entrusted to serve and protect us are allowed to murder and degrade us, without consistently facing serious consequences. Another leader within the Chicago Police Department is being mentioned in the media in relation to an incident whereby this "leader", placed his pistol in the mouth of a suspect who was already in custody, in order to accomplish what? In order to perpetuate the same type of superiority complex that was exercised by a small minority of whites during slavery, when all African Americans were deemed to be less than human in the eyes of this society, and were therefore subjected to wanton brutality and degradation without consequence.
     We no longer have an option to simply sit back and watch this beautiful Democracy of ours spiral into chaos. We must, both individually and collectively, hold our representatives accountable for their actions. Until we wake up and demand the necessary changes that need to be made, things will only get worse.      


Monday, August 4, 2014

Supporting One Another

One of the most difficult concepts to accurately articulate and execute, is the idea of an overwhelming majority of the voters in the 6th Ward coming together as a unified voice, to Elect the absolute best candidate to the office of Alderman.
      How does one gauge the effectiveness of the (approximate) $400,000.00 we've paid to 6th Ward Alderman Rod Sawyer, in terms of evaluating whether or not to expend another precious vote in 2015, in return for more of what we've received thus far?
     I'll start by looking at what's occurred within my realm of experience since the last election. My (then) 14 year old had to be rushed back into his school one day, due to a sudden surge of gang activity near his school during football practice. A masked robber was shot by Chicago Police near the Shell station and Maxwell Street restaurant at 74th and State Street. There are several more vacant lots on 75th Street, where a bowling alley once stood, and where businesses caught fire under undetermined circumstances on January 17th, and March 3rd of this year. On June 10th of this year, two people were shot less than 100 yards from my home, apparently for no good reason whatsoever. It probably involved someone either having insulted, or financially taken advantage of someone else, who felt that their only recourse was to shoot someone to make their point.
     In an overall sense, the two biggest groups of persons in the 6th Ward involved in things that are counter productive to our collective well being and prosperity are: 1. Those who have something to gain by taking advantage of us for financial reasons, and 2. Those who have nothing to lose when they embark on ultra violent shooting binges for reasons of street credibility, or their financial interests from illegal activities. When business owners, (who are usually not members of our community), can no longer profit financially from us, they've often turned to arson for a quick cash payout, and we're usually left with a pile of rubble, and then vacant lots, which tend to multiply like the cells of a virus, until vested groups with substantial cash move in to rebuild the area, once enough of us have given up and moved elsewhere.
    To counteract these types of behaviors, as Alderman, I'm strongly considering a long term coordinated effort to ask the community as a whole to stringently avoid pouring our dollars into the businesses of persons who have no vested interest in the long-term prosperity of the 6th Ward. When non-ward residents who own businesses get the message that we're no longer just a revenue source to be taken advantage of, they will of necessity re-think their strategy, and either leave this ward, or change the way they do business here. A 6th ward business that makes a financial commitment to either a 6th ward school, or a 6th ward student, will have my support. As to the recent Whole Foods movement, to try to bring this retailer into our community, I personally find it unnecessary. We as a people, don't really need Whole Foods to set up shop here. All we need is to put aside our perceived differences from one another, and open our own market as a co-op. Hire our own residents so that we can feed and employ ourselves, and stop looking elsewhere for  solutions to our problems.
    Semi-organized groups who engage in an endless cycle of illegal activity and wanton violence have no place in my 6th ward. Somehow, this activity must cease, permanently. The solution to this problem lies in first attaining a comprehensive understanding of who's making these decisions to send out, or motivate others, to grab weapons and shoot someone every time something occurs that they don't like. Secondly, the goal is to consistently make it impossible for the perpetrators of this self-genocide to maintain this type of activity. It will most likely take a fully coordinated effort by residents, educators, the Clergy, and Law Enforcement at the City, County, and Federal levels, to comprehensively coordinate a long term action plan to stop this killing once and for all.
     As a financial anchor for the 6th ward, I'd love to spearhead the establishment of a Community Credit Union. In the 1980's, I met a group of persons who were involved in doing just that, but  the regulatory agency that approved certification of this credit union kept changing the petition requirements, until the group gave up on trying. This kind of organized targeting of African American financial institutions can also be overcome, but it requires commitment, planning, and efficient execution.
     One thing that people will come to realize about me over time, is that I'm a very determined individual. When I commit myself to an ideal, I stay the course until I succeed. For me, failure is not an option. Allow me to serve as your Alderman, and I will make an effort to somehow, some way, make a positive difference in the life of at least one Ward Resident, every day, for four years.


Monday, July 28, 2014

An Unfortunate Choice of Words

     On July 27, 1919, gang members threw rocks at 17 year old Eugene Williams, and he ultimately died in Lake Michigan. Over the next 6 days, 38 people were killed, 500 people were injured, and 1,000 Black families' homes were torched during a Chicago race riot. (

     95 years later, to the day, on July 27, 2014, a prominent City of Chicago Official was quoted in the media as having stated, "If gangs were throwing rocks instead of shooting each other we wouldn't have this problem". (Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy)
     That statement from 2014 is, in and of itself, fundamentally true, but at its' core the statement continues to over-simplify and miss the mark completely in addressing the basic societal needs that are not being met here in Chicago. To continue such a flawed approach in addressing this city's problem with street violence, virtually guarantees that Chicago will become the next Detroit.

     Whether we discuss the launching of rocks or bullets, the underlying motivators for violence will always be ignorance, greed, and the mistreatment of one or more groups of citizens, for the benefit of  others. 21st Century Chicago gangs have fallen into the trap best described as "divide and conquer". Currently, this strategy is working remarkably well. Gangs are now "cliques", that endlessly slaughter one another without consideration for the lasting effects on their own families, their neighborhoods, and the City as a whole. If indeed there are those in this society who continuously benefit financially from the assisted self-subjugation of this segment of our population, I take great satisfaction in knowing deep within my everlasting Soul, that there exists in Hell a special place, reserved just for them.

     I conceived an idea for something new in our criminal justice system, but ultimately understood that this idea had no chance at all for success. The idea involved completely revamping the way prisons operate. There would be no gangs there, because any gang activity would mandate immediate execution for that inmate. There would be absolutely no money coming into the hands of inmates, they would wear what is given to them, and eat what is fed to them. There would be no inmate on inmate violence, which would mandate immediate execution for any perpetrator. The only way out would be through education and training. Inmates who are able to live in peaceful co-existence with one another, and earn legitimate degrees while incarcerated, would then qualify for release back into society. Those who refuse to learn their way to freedom can then justifiably be left there to rot. Those who are released can network their way into starting businesses, property ownership, and forming unbreakable bonds with their loved ones. The cycle of multiple generations of convicted felons would cease to exist within 20 years. There are more details and nuances inherent in such an innovative system, but I know that it can be done successfully.
      I asked myself why something of this nature has never been attempted, and came to the conclusion that our prison system, (overall), has been purposely structured to relentlessly subjugate the incarcerated, in order to demoralize them to such a profound degree that they no longer believe in God, in Love, or in their own self worth as human beings who are the equals of anyone else who walks this Earth. As a result, far too many former non-violent inmates relentlessly continue to engage in the same self-destructive decision making that sent them to prison in the first place. Still others are consistently sent in to this soul destroying environment for crimes that they didn't commit, often on the basis of flawed or fabricated evidence. There are millions and millions of dollars to be made by warehousing human beings for legal transgressions, but if the supply of hapless victims, (and of absolute murderous psychopaths), drops below a certain level, there's no longer an acceptable degree of profitability involved in citizen incarceration.

     I can honestly state that I don't feel any malice what so ever concerning the quote that inspired this blog post, but as always in this world in which we exist, "Everything happens for a reason". The task before us is to use our God given intelligence to fathom that reason, and to respond appropriately.



Saturday, July 12, 2014

Life is Priceless, Talk is Cheap

     After looking at todays' news in Chicago, I came away with three items that got my attention, and are worth commenting on. In the first news item, a Church Pastor and a Deacon were robbed at gunpoint. In the second item, Englewood Residents, "Love the Neighborhood, Hate the Violence". In the third news item,  The current Governor of Illinois and some church Pastors participated in a weekly "Peace March", where people who want to stop this wanton violence have chosen to do so by chanting slogans and marching in public. The Governor reportedly stated that "We area a family, and that we've got to stick together, and fight the violence".
     How can it be that a Pastor and Deacon being robbed and left physically unhurt be considered newsworthy? Because as news, it further emphasized the concept that armed robbers are less than human, and should be locked away like savage beasts. It serves the purpose of dehumanizing anyone who does something illegal, of an up close and personal nature, while at the same time, corporate and governmental robbers routinely go unpunished, and continue to live relatively comfortable lives. The more we stigmatize those who do wrong out of desperation, while looking the other way when financially and socially secure thieves plunder our financial resources at will, we absolutely ensure that our "society" will ultimately collapse.
     The residents of Englewood who so strongly hate the violence in this area must first come to realize that their hatred, in and of itself, is self-defeating. One of the things I taught my children many years ago was that, "It takes too much energy to hate". By that I meant that hatred is an emotion that solves nothing, and only prevents one from using logic, reason, determination, courage, and love to successfully counteract destructive behavior in others. A person cannot really love their neighborhood without first accepting all of its' residents as their equals. When those of us who "have" look down upon those who "have not", we fundamentally help to create the conditions that make our lives less fulfilling, and much more tension filled. By looking closely at the people who are committing violent acts, and how they came to be that way, we can remove the negative aspects of their day to day existence, and the influences in the neighborhood that serve to perpetuate hopelessness and violence from one generation to the next. When you actually Love Your Neighborhood, you must necessarily Love everyone in it, not just the people who are most like yourself.
     Slogan chanting and marching may have achieved some degree of success as methods to initiate social change fifty years ago, but in this situation, marching activists are largely wasting their time. Public protests of this kind can be effective in pressuring persons in positions of power to shift their use of financial resources to enhance the lives of workers, taxpayers, property owners, and voters, but protest marches aimed at influencing the behavior of persons who have nothing to lose if they're killed or incarcerated, is simply an utter waste of time and effort. The media attention given to these kinds of protests are worthless, and only serve as a way to further separate the "haves" from the "have nots", and are therefore counter-productive. There is a better way to counteract the negative and self-destructive behavior of others, and it begins with a clear understanding of the underlying educational, financial and social inequities that exist, and carrying through on ways and means by which those inequities can be eliminated.
     As Alderman of the 6th Ward, I can and will stridently and consistently pursue ways and means  which will enhance the lives of all Ward residents, not just some of them.


Friday, July 4, 2014

Political Participation as a Personal Security Tool

     Political Participation and Personal Security might, on the surface, seem to be completely unrelated concepts, but on the contrary, the two are bound much more firmly than most people can imagine. At one end of the spectrum, Executive Branch elected officials are afforded such a high level of personal protection that, if such a thing had existed in his time, Julius Caesar would have given anything to possess it. At the opposite end of the modern societal spectrum one finds the often undereducated, economically deprived, socially outcast young person, who somehow sees street gang economics and symbolic territorial killings as their only method for attaining personal prestige and significant economic benefit. Quick online research shows the average politicians' lifespan as 83 years, for gang members, they'd be lucky to reach 25. One glaring similarity that just struck me is that the two groups are more similar than most people would admit. Both groups have tended to belong to organized cliques, (Crips/Republicans/Bloods/Democrats/Latin Kings/Tea Party, etc.). Such systems thrive by recruiting anyone who's willing to follow a doctrine of narrow inclusion, to the detriment of everyone else. Somehow, our society became sidetracked, in that our Constitution specifies that all persons are created equal, not just established  members of specific special interest groups. Long ago people seemed to have forgotten that "United We Stand, Divided We Fall".  The problem lies in the fact that gang members are completely wrong in their evaluation of societal systems, and their chosen methods for coping with the situation. Overt violence and negative notoriety simply ensure that the American prison system will remain the most efficient process of citizen imprisonment on Earth. Decades ago, if these people had channeled their illicit profits into paying taxes, supporting positive community initiatives, starting businesses, and educating themselves, they'd be local merchants, bankers, landlords, and true leaders, not a collection of perpetually angry outcasts. The need for young people to form paramilitary local alliances in order to have some degree of personal safety and economic wealth would've vanished like mist, once educational and economic restrictions were overcome.
     Societies that exercise both fiscal and moral equanimity, cannot be negatively influenced from within, or from outside sources. Unfortunately, such societies are few and far between, both geographically and historically.
    I tend to feel that when one consistently treats others in a respectful manner, and refuses to be intimidated or subjugated, then even the harshest dictatorial official or badass gang member has to think twice before committing themselves to an attempt to compromise an honest and truly independent person. If we fail to participate in electoral debate, and in the selection of our elected officials, we may never last long enough  as a society, to celebrate this nations' tricentennial anniversary. Let's not let others determine our future destiny.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Smoke and Mirrors, That's How We'll Do it!

The Chicago Public Schools recently dealt with an $876.3 Million Deficit, by "changing the way they recognize revenue". The only honest way to deal with revenue is to understand that either you have it, or you don't. Then, use it effectively and honestly. I honestly find this type of problem solving utterly absurd. Massaging the numbers in this fashion is just another way to lull the populace into passive submission. It's a "don't worry, be happy", solution that has no place in the 21st Century.
Help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out:

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Campaign

In his now famous Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863, then President Abraham Lincoln stated that "Government of, by, and for the people has not perished from the earth". If such a form of governance hasn't perished and still exists, it's lying in the Emergency Room somewhere on life support. Up to this point, the blog posts I've written were basically geared towards teaching others how to best protect themselves from street criminals. Today, my goal is to lend hope and support towards protecting ourselves from another form of predator. I'm referring to career politicians. All too often, these people study opinion polls and voting trend charts, in an effort to figure out what to say to us that will keep them employed for another term. Once elected, many of them spend the next four years trying their best to line their pockets as quickly and carefully as possible. Most of them can't even do that right, and end up being indicted for some form of corruption. Something happened to me in the 1980's that might help you understand what kind of person I am. I was an Officer in a world famous facility, and responded to a stairwell door alarm.  I encountered two gentlemen from the former Soviet Union, who were onsite for a gathering at a private social club. They'd wandered off in an attempt to scout around like mischievous teenagers, and ended up setting off this alarm. As I began my interview with them, and asked for some form of identification, they both handed me their  passports, and one of them had folded a $100 bill around his passport. Without missing a beat, I gave back the money, and took down his information for my report. My goal was to send a message to the Soviets, that although we are a capitalist society, money, in and of itself, does not rule our decision making processes. We still know how to do our jobs for the wages we're due, and we are not all ruled by an unquenchable desire for every dollar we can lay our hands on. In some small measure, it appears that they got my message, because the Soviet Union of that era is now called the Former Soviet Union. In 1991 when I first ran for a place on the City Council, the salary was $45,000 a year. Today it's $104,000 to $115,000 per year for four years. That's more than enough to keep a roof over my head, and my cowboy hat clean. So far the City Council has allowed the mayor to sell off Chicago's parking meter revenue, parking garages, and if we don't watch out, Midway Airport will be sold. Besides voting responsibly on municipal legislation, my goals upon being elected are to: Enhance public safety in my ward, support local businesses to a degree heretofore unheard of, and consistently  monitor, criticize, badger, and support the Chicago Public School system. Check my earlier posts for a link is to my book, "Personal Security Techniques". I'm raising campaign funds via "Fundly"  at 2015 6th Ward Alderman of Chicago. Thanks for your support!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Concealed Carry

As I write this post, it appears that the subject of citizens who legally carry concealed weapons has become a hot topic currently being covered by major media outlets. The fact of the matter is, that a portion of the American population has always chosen to be armed with weapons, whether or not it was legal. One of the problems that will be faced by some law enforcement personnel, is that the possession of guns for self protection will no longer be their exclusive privilege. Some currently employed Officers will have to re-examine whether or not they're suited to a Law Enforcement environment where they're not the only persons who can legally carry a handgun. Hopefully, some current Officers will pursue another career path once they realize that the preamble of the U.S. Constitution begins with the phrase, "We the People", not "We the sworn Police Officers".  For sure, there will come a tumultuous period in which different interests will bicker and debate over our right to defend ourselves, but we must ignore the fear mongering and posturing of persons who would rather see you remain helpless in the face of violent adversity, rather than see you live your life without ever fearing another person, or their intentions. It seems as though, overall, we must all endeavor to get on the same page, the one that says that we are in control of our destinies, aspirations, our passions, and our desires for the future of our race. The attainment of our destinies hinges upon the fact that we must all realize that no government, mega-billionaire, corporation, or spiritual belief system is any more intelligent than you are. Sadly, all too often, those who have attained a high degree of entitlement and material wealth have deluded themselves into believing that they're somehow endowed by the Creator with abilities that we "normal" people do not possess. They are so wrong! The carrying of a gun for self defense is a constitutional right, just like the rights to freedom of religion, freedom of self-expression, and the right to vote. As with all rights and privileges afforded to us, there will be those persons who take advantage of one or more of these rights, in order to punish, bully, manipulate, or dominate their fellow human beings. So be it. Such is the way of humanity, until such time that we grow the heck up, open our eyes, and openly celebrate the wondrous diversity of creativity, ingenuity, collective positive efforts, and overwhelming spirit of love that is our Divinely gifted heritage. Let's just get over the whole concealed carry argument, shall we? If you live in a time and place that requires you to arm yourself in order to survive, do so responsibly and prudently. My overwhelming goal on this matter is that when we finally learn to live in peace with ourselves and with one another, we will have shaken off the last trace of barbarism within ourselves, and we'll be ready to truly explore the developmental possibilities within the human race. PEACE.     

Thursday, February 13, 2014

What to Fight, When to Fight, and How to Fight

      I recently read a news story about how a young man had, (once again), for one reason or another, been either denied access to a party, or had been forced to leave a party, being held in someone's home. He responded by leaving, returning with a weapon, and shooting two people. This sad and unnecessary scenario is being repeated over and over again, and has been occurring for decades. The primary cause for this kind of violence is a false understanding of manhood and pride, on the part of "insulted" person, who does not properly understand or practice what it means to be an adult male. I'll avoid defining manhood at this time, but I will share one fact. There are occasions when a woman will tell a man something that begins with the phrase, "If you were a real man, you would, (pay my bills, defend my honor and fight when I get in an argument, take up my slack in all matters, etc.). To this statement, my response is that no Woman can define or judge what constitutes Manhood. Only someone who is a man can properly make such a judgement. In the scenario whereby a guy is required to leave a party in someone's home, it's generally the case that the ejected guy mistakenly felt that he was somehow entitled to attend this function, and remain there without comment, interference, or input from the host or hostess, and that any negative response to his presence or behavior is automatically an insult to his manhood. In point of fact, one's manhood, or the appropriate level of respect for someone who is indeed a fully grown, both physically and psychologically, cannot be taken away, diminished, or substantially altered by another person. All too often young males take advise from their peers, who are just as intellectually and sociologically under developed as they are. That's like taking driving lessons from someone who's never had a license, and who crashes their car every six months.  Peer pressure is often cited as one reason why young males characteristically turn to senseless violent behavior when something doesn't happen the way they had planned. It may seem totally egotistical of me to state that I personally have no peers, but when looked at from a certain perspective, it becomes abundantly self evident. I have evolved into one of the most formidable Personal Security Experts of the 21st Century, because of my unprecedented success in recognizing and neutralizing safety threats throughout my life. I'll close out this blog post with some food for thought:
What to Fight: Fight ignorance, fear, self doubt, and uncertainty, in all of life's moments.
When to Fight: In the use of violence upon another person, when no other option for survival exists. Not for pride, or another persons' approval.
How to Fight: When the aggressor cannot recognize our power and authority to live life freely and unmolested when meeting us, we must overcome the aggressor overwhelmingly, forgive them for their lack of knowledge, and seek forgiveness for ourselves, due our failure to live a completely peaceful existence. Walk away from each violent encounter determined to try harder, to avoid hurting another human being. But here's the paradox: How does one always stay prepared to defend oneself, without becoming a ticking time bomb of fearful tense energy? Confidence. Remain confident that your love for yourself and all of humanity will carry you through any adversity that may arise. Let nothing in this world weaken your resolve to live without fear of another being. PEACE.