Sunday, November 9, 2014


     I looked up the definition of a "miracle", and found the following:

 "A surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws, and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency".

     Due to the fact that I have not been energetically soliciting campaign contributions from 6th Ward voters, I recently found myself lacking the funds for nominating petitions. Once I articulated that via Facebook, I immediately received what I needed, and I'm now ready to energetically get (at least),  the minimum 473 signatures necessary to officially join the ballot for 6th Ward Alderman. I would at this time encourage any reader of this blog to post a comment, as to where I can meet with them, their neighbors, or their fellow church members, in order to further answer any questions regarding my aspirations for the 6th Ward during my Aldermanic tenure. I can also be reached at via email. My immediate goal is to attain a place on the ballot, so that I can at least participate with the other candidates in one or more debates, to further cement the knowledge within the 6th Ward that I am the type of person who delivers results, and not just a well meaning "wish list" items that don't have much chance of being brought to fruition.
     To reiterate the core priorities of my upcoming tenure as Alderman of the 6th Ward, they are:
1.) Public Safety. Public safety begins and ends with the economic well being, the educational level, and the sense of community that is shared by the residents of any Ward. When ward residents come to realize that We are ALL in this life together, in this City together, and in this 6th Ward as one solid community of 38,160 persons, then the realization of that which binds us one to another in Love, Understanding, and Peace will slowly but surely unravel the threads of mistrust that keep us separated from one another. Police Department personnel only respond to tragedy after the fact, and no amount of additional Officers and Detectives will lower the crime rate in the 6th Ward. We can only deter crime in the 6th Ward by making it a realistic goal for Ward residents to be able to take advantage of legitimate means for achieving economic prosperity and a positive sense of self worth, than by illegal means. Please believe me when I tell you this: Very, very few of the young people who are committing violent crimes actually Want to shoot someone. They're largely being successfully used and manipulated by others to perpetrate these shootings. Overall, as their elders, we've failed to provide them with adequate alternatives to this self-destructive way of life. They're only killing each other because they feel that they have nothing positive to live for. We Can Change That!
2.)  Education. Whether we utilize Public Schools, Charter Schools, Faith Based Schools, Trade Schools, or any other type of school, the bottom line is whether or not the educational tools we provide for our young people will make them advantageously competitive with their peers. Schools which meet this goal are the only type that we can afford to tolerate in the 6th Ward. Schools which simply move students from one grade to the next and graduate them into becoming unemployable adults are useless and a complete waste of resources. Holding educators, (and parents) responsible for the results of our educational system is necessary, in order to improve our current system.
3.) Supporting Local Businesses. In order to fully realize the benefits that come from supporting local businesses, we must first and foremost own and operate the majority of businesses in the 6th Ward. Secondly, the owners and managers of these businesses must see 6th Ward residents as their life's blood, and therefore treat every customer with the utmost respect, compassion and understanding. I would create an opportunity, as Alderman, to meet with the Executives of our largest banks, and negotiate an understanding, whereby one or more of these banks will not only commit to funding our economic initiatives, but also make a commitment to the futures of our Children and Grandchildren. We would not need to, or want to bank with national bank branches, if we were confident that our local banks will value and respect us more highly than the larger banks do. It is imperative that we engineer methods and means by which we can "circulate" our Dollars multiple times, before they leave the 6th Ward.
    Miracles can and do occur each and every day. Love for one's self and for one another, and mutual respect enable them. Self-Doubt and mistrust tend to hinder them. I'm more than ready. Are You?


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